Decoding Digital Investment
Understanding retail digital investor behaviours and motivators
Research Highlights
"We are witnessing a profound and enduring transformation of our industry – intensified by rapid digitalization and demographic shifts. Decoding Digital Investment is an essential resource for our partners, and enables us to better accompany them on their own transformational journeys.”
Retail investing has been transformed over the last decade – and more particularly in the past three years. Many retail investors around the world are now taking greater control of their investments and being more proactive about how they invest.
The retail investment landscape will continue to evolve as technology develops further to meet growing demand, and retail investors will have increasing choice both in the products and channels through which they invest. While this is an opportunity for asset managers and distributors, key challenges remain. How can the industry maximise the opportunity with the products and services that they develop, and the technology they use? And how they communicate with an increasingly interested audience of retail investors?
The key to future success will be how investment providers respond to investors’ desire for both human and digital interaction, in how they develop a blended approach that caters to all investors in a way that brings together the best of both worlds.
Amundi commissioned a piece of global investor research to explore the retail investor journey. We explore the drivers of product, provider and platform choice, motivations, the importance of ESG considerations, the role of digital tools and platforms and sources of information, advice, and guidance. The findings of this research will help you to better identify, target and communicate with retail investors to ultimately drive more and better business.