Amundi ETF climate range offering
Amundi is a long-standing advocate of sustainable investing and has been a pioneer in low carbon index investing since 2014 when it co-developed the MSCI Low Carbon Leaders indices. Amundi has been highly active in mobilising the sustainable ecosystem, and has been actively engaged with index providers to design the new generation of climate indices.
Over the past year, Amundi has reaffirmed its leading position by acquiring Lyxor Asset Management, a European pioneer of sustainable index solutions. The newly expanded Amundi climate ETF range includes new CTB and PAB strategies and green bond ETFs.
With €20.6 bn in AUM[1], Amundi’s climate ETF range ranks amongst the largest in Europe with solutions across equity and fixed income. Amundi ETF, Indexing & Smart Beta offers customised low-carbon index solutions designed to address specific clients' needs, “off-the-shelf” climate index solutions with PAB and CTB ETFs, and green bond ETFs for measurable climate impact[2].
The newly expanded Amundi ETF climate range offers a number of advantages:
Four green bond ETFs, including an aggregate green bond ETF, as well as more specific exposures to the green bond market such as euro government bonds and global corporates
31 Climate Transition ETFs tracking EU-endorsed Climate Transition and Paris-Aligned Benchmarks, and designed to align with Net Zero 2050 and 1.5°C, the most ambitious temperature target of the Paris Agreement
Thematic ESG ETFs linked to climate action, including New Energy, World Water, and Future Mobility
Benefits of investing with ETFs:
Transparent and standardised products
Simple to incorporate as building blocks within existing portfolios
[1] Source: Amundi, as at 31/12/2022.[2] Information on Amundi’s responsible investing can be found on and[3] We consider the ETFs to be a cost-effective way to deliver climate change exposure compared to active strategies. Amundi seeks to be competitively priced across its entire ETF range.